2020 Logan Award Nominees

Here are the nom­i­nees for the 2020 Logan Awards:

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song:

Alexan­der Bel­lo and Annaleigh Ash­ford — “I Saw a White Lady Stand­ing on the Street Just Sob­bing (And I Think About It Once a Week)
Dave Stag­n­er — “This Is How Elvis Died
Devo Spice feat. Cre­ative Mind Frame aka 1Up, Insane Ian, Bon­nie Gor­don, TV’s Kyle, Lex the Lex­cion Artist, and the great Luke Ski — “Spi­der Vers­es
Jake Gyl­len­haal, John Mulaney, the Sack Lunch Bunch — “Music, Music Every­where
OKGlass — “Mil­lenials Are Killing

Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song:

The Boobles feat. TV’s Kyle and the great Luke Ski — “Max­ine’s Killer Mam­mers
Michael William Hunter — “Hey Mar­vel
Insane Ian — “Cov­er­ing Africa
The Library Bards — “John Bar­row­man
Jeff Whit­mire feat. Melis­sa Lewis — “Sud­den­ly Star Wars

Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video:

Whit­ney Aval­on — “Pobody’s Ner­fect (The Good Place Song)
Crazy Ex-Girl­friend feat. Sky­lar Astin — “I Hate Every­thing But You
Mer­le Haz­ard feat. Ali­son Brown — “(Gimme Some of That) Ol’ Aton­al Music
Nin­ja Sex Par­ty — “Man­sion Par­ty
Reformed Whores — “Vasec­to­my

The awards will be held at FuMPFeST at Home on August 29th. FuMPFeST at Home begins at 6pm EDT and will be broad­cast on Twitch, YouTube, Face­book, and Dementiaradio.org. Thank you to all our jurors for vot­ing, our fans for nom­i­nat­ing, and con­grats to the nominees! 

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Nominations for 2020 Are Now Open!

Nom­i­na­tions for the 2020 Logan Awards are now open!! Nom­i­nate your favorite com­e­dy songs and music videos that were released in 2019. Click the nom­i­na­tions link at the top of the main page (or just go here) to add an entry. You will need to log in to Google for this. There is a min­i­mum and max­i­mum of 5 nom­i­na­tions per per­son. Nom­i­na­tions will close on June 26th, 2020. 

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