2013 Logan Award Winners

We are proud to announce the win­ners of the 2013 Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Awards for Excel­lence in Com­e­dy Music…

Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video:
Beau­ty and the Beat — Todrick Hall 

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song:
29/31 — Gar­funkel and Oates 

Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song:
When You Wish Upon A Death Star — the great Luke Ski 

You can see the con­cert & cer­e­mo­ny via the fol­low­ing video links:

Jered Perez’ YouTube:

Pow­er Sal­ad’s Ustream: Part 1:
(skip ahead to the 12:00 mark­er for actu­al start of the event)

Pow­er Sal­ad’s Ustream: Part 2:

The Fun­ny Music Project has post­ed a stu­dio ver­sion of the Logan White­hurst med­ley which opened this year’s Logan Awards, fea­tur­ing 10 dif­fer­ent acts from the FuMP. You can lis­ten to and down­load it here.

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2013 Logan Award Nominees

Here are the Nom­i­nees for the 2013 Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Awards For Excel­lence In Com­e­dy Music:

Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video:

Baby Mario & Papa Yoshibrentalfloss
Beau­ty and the BeatTodrick Hall
Dumb Ways to DieTan­ger­ine Kitty
Rize of the FenixTena­cious D
Rub Some Bacon On ItRhett & Link

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song:

29/31Gar­funkel and Oates
I Don’t Mat­terWorm Quar­tet
In the 80sDevo Spice
Kyle, Are You Ian?Scoot­er Picnic
Write Like The Wind (George R.R. Mar­tin)Paul & Storm

Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song:

Car­ol of the MehSmashy Claw
Devo, Are You Shoe­box?Devo Spice, fea­tur­ing Worm Quartet
The Ped­dler: A Half-Assed Trans­la­tionKobi LaCroix
We Were Nev­er Ever Actu­al­ly Togeth­erEric Schwartz aka Smooth‑E, feat. Michael Yo
When You Wish Upon A Death Starthe great Luke Ski

The Nom­i­nees were tab­u­lat­ed in secret by our web­mistress Sara Trice, with tie-break­ing votes cast by our per­ma­nent juror, Dr. Demen­to.

The win­ners will be announced at the 3rd Annu­al Logan Awards Cer­e­mony which will be held at MarsCon in Bloom­ing­ton, MN on Sat­ur­day, March 2nd at 4:00 pm as a part of the MarsCon Demen­tia Track. Go to MarsConDementia.com for info on the com­edy music per­for­mance track, and go to MarsCon.com for info on attend­ing the convention.

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