2014 Logan Awards Nominees Announced!
Here are the Nominees for the 2014 Logan Whitehurst Memorial Awards for Excellence in Comedy Music…
The FuMP has launched a new Kickstarter to help pay for the Logan Awards statuettes
The 2014 Logan Awards are just over 2 months away. Soon the Jurors will have all submitted their picks for the funniest songs of 2013, and once our chair “Blasted Bill” Putt has tabulated the winners, it will be time for him to order the engraved ‘Robot Cat” statuettes, and those things cost boku-bucks. That’s why we’ve launched this Kickstarter, to pay for this year’s Logan Awards statues, and if we hit that goal, even more to save up a ‘battle chest’ of funds to pay for future year’s statues.
Some of the prizes for donating include: an album of live music recorded at Luke Ski’s private Kickstarter party event “LukeSkiCon 2013”, a video presentation of highlights of live comedy music performances performed at the first 3 “Logan Awards” ceremonies, a Logan Awards t‑shirt, an appearance on the FuMPcast, custom made comedy songs and house concerts by Luke Ski, Devo Spice, Insane Ian, TV’s Kyle, Worm Quartet, Power Salad, Carrie Dahlby, Phil Johnson, Tony Goldmark (song only), Eric Coleman and Steve Goodie (house concert only).
This Kickstarter ends on May 14th, so please donate today, and please share this with all your friends online who love comedy music!