2015 Logan Awards location and chair announced!
Happy New Year, comedy music fans! Here’s a couple of important pieces of information regarding last year’s and next year’s Logan Awards.
First of all, we’re happy to report that the robot cat statuettes have been safely delivered to our 2014 Logan Award winners. And just to remind you again who they are are:
Outstanding Comedy Music Video:
“That Doesn’t Make Sense”
— by Whitney Avalon & Jonathan Hurley
Outstanding Original Comedy Song:
“Mwahaha” — by Ookla The Mok
Outstanding Parody Song:
“Letter From A Cruise Ship (Hello Mudduh, Hello Faddah! 2013)“
— by Power Salad
So congratulations to them once again, they are very happy to have received them, as you can see by this picture of Power Salad with their trophies.
Secondly, we are happy to announce that the 5th Annual Logan Awards celebrating the most outstanding comedy songs & music videos of the calendar year 2014 will be held at FuMPFeST 2015, which is happening June 5th through 7th, 2015 at the Westin Chicago North Shore in Wheeling, IL. They have just started announcing their performing guests, so for details on all of that and how to register and reserve your hotel rooms, go to http://www.fumpfest.com .
Furthermore, we’re happy to announce our Chair for the 2015 Logan Awards, Jean Prior.
Jean ‘Jayekitty’ Prior has been a DJ on Dementia Radio for over seven years, hostess of Radio Free Gallifrey under the moniker DJ Phoenix. A past PenguiCon music track director, she has fostered new comedy and non-mainstream musicians since her collegiate days *mumblemumble* years ago. She has also contributed inspiration to past comedy charity CDs, and as an alumna of the Penn State Monty Python Society, can often be found quoting the most inappropriate bits (when not at work). She is officially the crazy cat lady of dementia fandom, contributing lyrics to one of Marc Gunn’s cat songs, and a few of her cats have meowed their way onto her show. In her spare time, she enjoys writing silly fan fiction, monitoring a twenty-year-old listserv for an obscure vampire tv show, online roleplaying and video games, and fishing (a feline favorite). Jean was a Juror for the 2011 Logan Awards, and has been the manager of the “Table 27” merch table at both MarsCon and FuMPFeST for the past few years. We’re very excited to have her as our Chair for this year’s awards.
Now that 2014 has come to a close, it’s time for you, the comedy music fans, to start thinking about what all of your favorite comedy songs and music videos have been over the past year. Sometime in the next coming months, we will open the nomination suggestion form page so you can start submitting your song & video suggestions for this year’s jury. So come back here for future updates, and also keep an eye on our Facebook page and for the Funny Music Project, a.k.a. The FuMP dot com, for more announcements and updates on the 2015 Logan Awards. Thanks for reading, have a happy new year, so long and thanks for all the lizards and fish!
2014 Logan Award Winners
We are proud to announce the winners of the
2014 Logan Whitehurst Memorial Awards
for Excellence in Comedy Music…
Outstanding Comedy Music Video:
“That Doesn’t Make Sense” — by Whitney Avalon & Jonathan Hurley
Outstanding Original Comedy Song:
“Mwahaha” — by Ookla The Mok
Outstanding Parody Song:
“Letter From A Cruise Ship (Hello Mudduh, Hello Faddah! 2013)”
— by Power Salad
Congratulations to all our winners! Here’s to another year of awesome, hilarious comedy songs & music videos! Let’s make a whole lot more, and we’ll celebrate them, and Logan, again in 2015!