2015 Logan Awards location and chair announced!

Hap­py New Year, com­e­dy music fans! Here’s a cou­ple of impor­tant pieces of infor­ma­tion regard­ing last year’s and next year’s Logan Awards.

Power Salad Logan Award 2014 400

First of all, we’re hap­py to report that the robot cat stat­uettes have been safe­ly deliv­ered to our 2014 Logan Award win­ners. And just to remind you again who they are are:

Out­stand­ing Com­edy Music Video:
“That Doesn’t Make Sense”
— by Whit­ney Aval­on & Jonathan Hur­ley

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­edy Song:
“Mwa­haha” — by Ook­la The Mok

Out­stand­ing Par­ody Song:
“Let­ter From A Cruise Ship (Hel­lo Mud­duh, Hel­lo Fad­dah! 2013)“
— by Pow­er Salad

So con­grat­u­la­tions to them once again, they are very hap­py to have received them, as you can see by this pic­ture of Pow­er Sal­ad with their trophies.

Sec­ond­ly, we are hap­py to announce that the 5th Annu­al Logan Awards cel­e­brat­ing the most out­stand­ing com­e­dy songs & music videos of the cal­en­dar year 2014 will be held at FuMPFeST 2015, which is hap­pen­ing June 5th through 7th, 2015 at the West­in Chica­go North Shore in Wheel­ing, IL. They have just start­ed announc­ing their per­form­ing guests, so for details on all of that and how to reg­is­ter and reserve your hotel rooms, go to http://www.fumpfest.com .

Jean Prior webpage size

Fur­ther­more, we’re hap­py to announce our Chair for the 2015 Logan Awards, Jean Pri­or.

Jean ‘Jayekit­ty’ Pri­or has been a DJ on Demen­tia Radio for over sev­en years, host­ess of Radio Free Gal­lifrey under the moniker DJ Phoenix. A past Pen­guiCon music track direc­tor, she has fos­tered new com­edy and non-main­stream musi­cians since her col­le­giate days *mum­ble­mum­ble* years ago. She has also con­tributed inspi­ra­tion to past com­edy char­ity CDs, and as an alum­na of the Penn State Mon­ty Python Soci­ety, can often be found quot­ing the most inap­pro­pri­ate bits (when not at work). She is offi­cially the crazy cat lady of demen­tia fan­dom, con­tribut­ing lyrics to one of Marc Gunn’s cat songs, and a few of her cats have meowed their way onto her show. In her spare time, she enjoys writ­ing sil­ly fan fic­tion, mon­i­tor­ing a twen­ty-year-old list­serv for an obscure vam­pire tv show, online role­play­ing and video games, and fish­ing (a feline favorite). Jean was a Juror for the 2011 Logan Awards, and has been the man­ag­er of the “Table 27” merch table at both MarsCon and FuMPFeST for the past few years. We’re very excit­ed to have her as our Chair for this year’s awards.

Whitney Avalon's Logan Award 2014 200Now that 2014 has come to a close, it’s time for you, the com­e­dy music fans, to start think­ing about what all of your favorite com­e­dy songs and music videos have been over the past year. Some­time in the next com­ing months, we will open the nom­i­na­tion sug­ges­tion form page so you can start sub­mit­ting your song & video sug­ges­tions for this year’s jury. So come back here for future updates, and also keep an eye on our Face­book page and for the Fun­ny Music Project, a.k.a. The FuMP dot com, for more announce­ments and updates on the 2015 Logan Awards. Thanks for read­ing, have a hap­py new year, so long and thanks for all the lizards and fish!

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2014 Logan Award Winners

We are proud to announce the win­ners of the
2014 Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Awards
for Excel­lence in Com­e­dy Music…

Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video:
“That Does­n’t Make Sense” — by Whit­ney Aval­on & Jonathan Hur­ley

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song:
“Mwa­ha­ha” — by Ook­la The Mok

Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song:
“Let­ter From A Cruise Ship (Hel­lo Mud­duh, Hel­lo Fad­dah! 2013)”
— by Pow­er Salad

Con­grat­u­la­tions to all our win­ners! Here’s to anoth­er year of awe­some, hilar­i­ous com­e­dy songs & music videos! Let’s make a whole lot more, and we’ll cel­e­brate them, and Logan, again in 2015!

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