2015 Finalists!

Here are the final­ists for the 2015 Logan Awards in alpha­bet­i­cal order per category.

Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song

Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video

Come to FuMPFest in Wheel­ing, IL (a sub­urb of Chica­go) the week­end of June 5th-7th, 2015 to see the live 2015 Logan Awards cer­e­mo­ny & con­cert, and wit­ness who wins one of the awe­some Robot Cat statues!

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2015 Nominations Close 4/19

As the nom­i­na­tions are com­ing in faster and more furi­ous than a speed­ing movie fran­chise, we’d like to remind every­one that nom­i­na­tions will close at 11.59PM EDT on 4/19. At that point, no fur­ther nom­i­na­tions will be accept­ed, and it will be up to the jury to decide which lucky recip­i­ents get to walk away from FuMPFest 2015 with a love­ly stat­ue of our beloved robot cat. Thank you all for your sub­mis­sions so far, it’s going to be a great time decid­ing the results!

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