2016 Nominations Open!

Nom­i­na­tions for the 2016 Logan Awards are now open! Sign up on the new nom­i­na­tion page to nom­i­nate out­stand­ing orig­i­nal com­e­dy songs, par­o­dy songs, and com­e­dy music videos released in 2015. Open Nom­i­na­tions close on 28 Jan­u­ary to give time for the jurors to make their deci­sion and the robot cats to be herd­ed and engraved in time for the awards cer­e­mo­ny MarsCon 2016.

There’s no advan­tage to nom­i­nat­ing the same song more than once in the same cat­e­go­ry (though you can nom­i­nate the same song in the video cat­e­go­ry as well as one of the oth­er cat­e­gories if you think it is wor­thy to win in both cat­e­gories) so please check whether the song you’d like to nom­i­nate has already been nom­i­nat­ed. Only songs or videos that were released in 2015 are eli­gi­ble to be nom­i­nat­ed; you can usu­al­ly fig­ure out when a song was released by look­ing at a video upload date, album release date, or the date a song was released on The FuMP, for exam­ple. If there’s one you think deserves to win but you’re not sure if it’s eli­gi­ble, nom­i­nate it any­way and a deci­sion will be made.

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Logan Awards at MarsCon 2016

The Awards will be held at MarsCon in Min­neapo­lis, MN, March 4–6, 2016. Angela Brett will be the chair­per­son for this year’s awards.

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