Logan Awards Announce 2017 Nominees

Sev­enth Annu­al Com­e­dy Music Awards To Take Place at FuMPFeST in June

For Imme­di­ate Release — Today, The Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Awards for Excel­lence in Com­e­dy Music, aka The Logan Awards, in asso­ci­a­tion with The Fun­ny Music Project, aka The FuMP, announces the final­ists for the sev­enth annu­al com­e­dy music awards. The award cer­e­mo­ny will be held at FuMPFeST, at the Hol­i­day Inn Chica­go in Elk Grove Vil­lage, IL the week­end of June 16–18.

The Logan Awards are held every year to show­case the very best in com­e­dy music, pre­sent­ed in three cat­e­gories: Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song, Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song, and Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video. Each year, the awards com­mit­tee is run by a new chair­per­son, who selects two groups of jurors (three cur­rent­ly active com­e­dy musi­cians and three from com­e­dy music fan­dom) to select the final­ists from the list of open nom­i­nees sug­gest­ed by fans of com­e­dy music. This year, Byron Lee of DementiaRadio.org was the chair­per­son, and he select­ed three fan jurors and three com­e­dy musi­cian jurors to help select the final­ists. As with every year, how­ev­er, any ties would be set­tled by the awards’ per­ma­nent Judge, the leg­endary radio DJ Dr. Demento.

Here are the nom­i­nees for this year’s awards:

Outstanding Original Comedy Song:

Outstanding Parody Song:

Outstanding Comedy Music Video:

The nom­i­nees will be fea­tured on the Dr Demen­to Show, set to hit his web­site for stream­ing on May 27th at www.drdemento.com. For links to the songs and videos, as well as the artists, and more infor­ma­tion on Logan White­hurst, feel free to please vis­it http://www.LoganAwards.com and for more about FuMPFeST, includ­ing guests and oth­er events includ­ing the Logan Awards, vis­it http:://www.fumpfest.com.

About The FuMP:

The FuMP is a col­lab­o­ra­tive effort made up of a large, ever-grow­ing group of com­e­dy musi­cians includ­ing such Dr. Demen­to Show reg­u­lars as Devo Spice, Worm Quar­tet, the great Luke Ski, Pow­er Sal­ad, Insane Ian, Car­rie Dahl­by, Car­la Ulbrich, Sea­mon­key, Steve Good­ie, Mikey Mason, TV’s Kyle, and many more.

Artists from The FuMP posts two new com­e­dy songs each week on their web­site at www.thefump.com which are avail­able to down­load and stream for free. Leg­endary radio per­son­al­i­ty Dr. Demen­to called The FuMP “the Pre­mière Online Source for Fun­ny Music” and “the best thing to hap­pen to fun­ny music since Al went weird.”

Songs can be pur­chased indi­vid­u­al­ly or as a month­ly sub­scrip­tion. High qual­i­ty ver­sions of the songs are avail­able for sale and on com­pi­la­tion CDs which are pro­duced every oth­er month. Sub­scrip­tions start at just $4.99 a month.

Ian Bonds
FuMP Press

Tom Rock­well
FuMP Webmaster




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2017 Nominations Open!

Nom­i­na­tions for the 2017 Logan Awards are now open! Sign up on the new nom­i­na­tion page to nom­i­nate out­stand­ing orig­i­nal com­e­dy songs, par­o­dy songs, and com­e­dy music videos released in 2016. Open Nom­i­na­tions close on April 1st (April Fools Day) to give time for the jurors to make their deci­sion and the robot cats to be herd­ed and engraved in time for the awards cer­e­mo­ny FuMPFest 2017.

There’s no advan­tage to nom­i­nat­ing the same song more than once in the same cat­e­go­ry (though you can nom­i­nate the same song in the video cat­e­go­ry as well as one of the oth­er cat­e­gories if you think it is wor­thy to win in both cat­e­gories) so please check whether the song you’d like to nom­i­nate has already been nom­i­nat­ed. Only songs or videos that were released in 2016 are eli­gi­ble to be nom­i­nat­ed; you can usu­al­ly fig­ure out when a song was released by look­ing at a video upload date, album release date, or the date a song was released on The FuMP, for exam­ple. If there’s one you think deserves to win but you’re not sure if it’s eli­gi­ble, nom­i­nate it any­way and a deci­sion will be made.

For Pod­cast­ers and Broadcasters

Do you have a pod­cast, inter­net radio show, or ter­res­tri­al radio pro­gram? Please pro­mote The Logan Awards by play­ing this announcement.

2017 Logan Awards Nom­i­na­tions Pro­mo (320k MP3)

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