About The Logan Awards

The Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Award for Excel­lence in Com­e­dy Music (Logan Awards) is a set of awards pre­sent­ed by The Fun­ny Music Project. The awards are pre­sent­ed annu­al­ly, in three categories:

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song
Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song
Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video

Logan Award Statuette

The Logan Award Stat­uette, designed by Jamie Noguchi

Award Com­mit­tee

Each year, the awards will be head­ed by a new chair­per­son. The chair will choose six jurors, three from com­e­dy music fan­dom, and three cur­rent­ly active com­e­dy musi­cians. The jury will select the win­ners by vote, and the chair will des­ig­nate the chair of the next year’s awards.


Songs and videos first released to the pub­lic in cal­en­dar year 2010 will be eli­gi­ble to be nom­i­nat­ed for the first annu­al Logan Awards. There­after, songs of each cal­en­dar year will be eli­gi­ble only for the next year’s awards. The com­mit­tee will try to err on the side of eli­gi­bil­i­ty, re-treat­ments (but not re-releas­es) of old mate­r­i­al will be con­sid­ered. Eli­gi­bil­i­ty dis­putes will be set­tled by the award chair, whose deci­sions are final.

Open Nom­i­na­tion

Every­one in the com­mu­ni­ty is invit­ed to nom­i­nate songs for con­sid­er­a­tion through this site (com­ing soon). Eli­gi­bil­i­ty deter­mi­na­tions of sug­gest­ed songs and videos will be made, and the jury will only con­sid­er works which were nom­i­nat­ed through this process before the announced dead­line. Jurors may not par­tic­i­pate in open nominations.

Dis­cus­sion of song nom­i­na­tions can be done at the fol­low­ing Reddit:

Jury Nom­i­na­tion

Jurors will have a peri­od of time to lis­ten to the pool of songs and choose up to five nom­i­nees in each cat­e­go­ry. Jurors will be allowed to dis­cuss their selec­tions with oth­er jurors, includ­ing cam­paign­ing for their favorites, but may not dis­cuss their selec­tions out­side the award com­mit­tee. Once decid­ed, each juror will sub­mit their nom­i­nees to the chair.

Award Deci­sion

The chair will tal­ly the jury nom­i­na­tions in each cat­e­go­ry. The award goes to the song/video with the most jury nom­i­na­tions. In the case of a tie for win­ner, the chair will call a re-vote to break the tie. In the case of a tie in the re-vote, the chair will cast the decid­ing vote.


Although the win­ners will be known to the chair, the top five jury nom­i­nees in each cat­e­go­ry will be announced as award nominees.


Deci­sions of the chair may be over­turned or the chair may be removed by major­i­ty vote of the FuMP core mem­bers. After the awards are pre­sent­ed, the final vote tal­lies will be revealed to the jurors only, for transparency.

The Pre­sen­ta­tion

The awards will be pre­sent­ed pub­licly, at an appro­pri­ate venue (such as a SF con­ven­tion with a heavy music track). There will be a con­cert to per­form or show all the nom­i­nat­ed songs, fol­lowed by the announce­ment of the win­ner and pre­sen­ta­tion of the statuette.

The Stat­uette

The phys­i­cal award is a stat­uette of a robot cat, in hon­or of Logan White­hurst’s song “Robot Cat.” It was designed by artist Jamie Noguchi. Each will be pre­sent­ed on an engraved base.


The stat­uettes, web­site, and venue expens­es will come to sev­er­al thou­sand dol­lars. This must be raised through con­tri­bu­tions from the com­mu­ni­ty. Com­e­dy music has long lacked recog­ni­tion, and only through sup­port from its true fans can we make this work. If you have ever want­ed to see the best work in the field rec­og­nized, this is your chance to help make it hap­pen. Please donate gen­er­ous­ly to the award fund.