2024 Logan Awards Nominees

The 13th annu­al Logan White­hurst Memo­r­i­al Awards for Excel­lence in Com­e­dy Music (aka The Logan Awards, aka The Com­e­dy Music Awards) are proud to announce this year’s final­ist nom­i­nees in 3 categories!

Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video

Beau­ti­ful Mind — Tom Cardy & Bri­an David Gilbert
The Strahtkaft Com­bo — Jazz Emu
Buck­et of Beans — Kate Micuc­ci
Don’t Touch My Clogs — OCT
Olivia — Wolves of Glendale

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song

Orbo — Ian Lock­wood
Some­body Fart­ed on the Plane — Tom McGov­ern
I Own A Car — Nin­ja Sex Par­ty
33 — Wolves of Glen­dale
The Gym — Wolves of Glendale

Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song

Rolling in the Deep (Lit­tle Mer­maid Style) — Whit­ney Aval­on
The Sleep Dis­or­der Song — Steve Good­ie
Nur­ples — Holy Bong­wa­ter
Unhealthy — Insane Ian ft Twill Dis­tilled
Annie is Not Okay — Matt Storer

The awards cer­e­mo­ny will be held on Sat­ur­day, Octo­ber 5th at 4pm EST at FuMPFeST (as part of Con on the Cob) and will also be broad­cast live on http://Twitch.tv/the_fump. Go to http://fumpfest.com for more details. Con­grats to all the nominees!

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