Nominations Now Open for 2024 Awards!

Atten­tion Com­e­dy Musi­cians and Com­e­dy Music Fans!

The Logan Awards are tak­ing open nom­i­na­tions for Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Songs and Videos released last year for this year’s awards!

Did you release a com­e­dy song or music video in 2023, or have a favorite com­e­dy song or video that was released then? Then nom­i­nate it for the Logan Awards TODAY!

The Logan Awards are essen­tial­ly the com­e­dy music awards, spon­sored annu­al­ly by the Fun­ny Music Project and are pre­sent­ed in three categories:

Out­stand­ing Orig­i­nal Com­e­dy Song

Out­stand­ing Par­o­dy Song

And Out­stand­ing Com­e­dy Music Video

If you have a com­e­dy song that was released in 2023 that you’d like to nom­i­nate for 2024’s awards, head to and click the “Nom­i­na­tions” tab at the top. There is a min­i­mum and max­i­mum of five nom­i­na­tions per per­son. Hur­ry! Nom­i­na­tions close this year on July 31st!

For more details about Logan him­self, the awards, and more, check out!

Help us com­mem­o­rate the year’s best com­e­dy songs and music videos with a tro­phy, the way they do with every oth­er form of enter­tain­ment! But if you want YOUR favorites to win, you have to nom­i­nate them by July 31st! Get your nom­i­na­tions in now at, brought to you by!

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