2024 Jurors

Fan Jurors

Austin Roelofs

Austin Roelofs (he/him) was born and raised in Los Banos (“The Bath­rooms”), Cal­i­for­nia, where he devel­oped an ear for har­mon­ic accom­pa­ni­ment and an affin­i­ty for the off-kil­ter (and par­en­thet­i­cals). In his for­ma­tive years he was a col­lab­o­ra­tor with this award’s name­sake in mul­ti­ple media (e.g., music, movies, cook­ies) (i.e. they spent count­less hours mak­ing delight­ful things), but he stands on his own bona fides: he is a pro­fes­sion­al rock star (i.e., a geol­o­gist) and makes it a pri­or­i­ty to explore, appre­ci­ate, and cre­ate sil­ly, sil­ly music (is there anoth­er kind?).

Lukas Café

Lukas Café (he/they) aka ThatLuck­y­Pan­da is a trans­mas­cu­line musician/artist and has been an avid fan of com­e­dy music ever since he could rec­og­nize music by name (which, to be mod­est, was quite ear­ly on). Lukas is most notably active in the Nin­ja Sex Par­ty fan­dom, cov­er­ing many an NSP song and cos­play­ing many a Nin­ja Bri­an over the past year. His YouTube chan­nel is home to most of his orig­i­nal music and com­e­dy cov­ers, as well as his more pop­u­lar fan edits of Game Grumps’ 10 Minute Pow­er Hour, recent­ly pass­ing the mile­stone of 3,000 subscribers.

Lukas’ afore­men­tioned affin­i­ty for music extends beyond their quick­ly-learned skills and abil­i­ties, striv­ing to ulti­mate­ly show­case their joy through edit­ing videos, cov­er­ing songs and some­times just shout­ing it from the rooftops (albeit unfa­vor­able to their neigh­bors). Ful­ly inde­pen­dent, Lukas records, pro­duces, and edits every­thing he does with his gui­tar, a smart­phone, a pair of ear­buds and the occa­sion­al adren­a­line rush. There is no stop­ping Lukas from doing what he loves… except for a part-time job and a damn good nap. 

Lily Hirsch

Lily Hirsch (she/her) is a writer, musi­col­o­gist, and book reviews edi­tor for the Jour­nal of Musi­co­log­i­cal Research. She is the author of Weird Al: Seri­ous­ly (Row­man & Lit­tle­field in 2020; expand­ed in 2022), with a fore­word by Dr. Demen­to; and Tak­ing Fun­ny Music Seri­ous­ly (Uni­ver­si­ty of Indi­ana Press, 2024). Some­times, she also tries to be funny—in Slack­jawBel­ladonna, and Fraz­zled

Musician Jurors

Carrie Dahlby

Car­rie Dahl­by (she/her) has been appear­ing in com­e­dy songs for almost 2 decades, and has been cre­at­ing her own com­e­dy music almost as long. She is known for being the first woman to appear on The FuMP, and for appear­ing in the songs of many oth­er FuMP artists. She has been nom­i­nat­ed for a Logan Award on 2 occa­sions, and emceed the awards cer­e­mo­ny twice. She is hon­ored to be a juror for the 2nd time (2 is her lucky num­ber, as you may have guessed). You can find her music at her Band­camp page.

Il Neige

Gar­rett “Il Neige” Snook (he/him) is an LA based song­writer, best known for his viral par­o­dy hit “Look At This Pokesnap.” His par­o­dies and orig­i­nals walk the line between sil­ly and sin­cere, cov­er­ing top­ics rang­ing from Nin­ten­do, to the Meme-ifi­ca­tion of Christ­mas, to…okay, so it’s most­ly Nin­ten­do, with influ­ences includ­ing Green Day, Weez­er, and whichev­er Ska Band is play­ing in Ana­heim tonight. His most recent project is “Rock That Poke­mon,” an ongo­ing series that attempts to immor­tal­ize all 1000+ of the lit­tle bug­gers through song. You can find him on YouTube or wher­ev­er you stream music.

Gail Gallagher

Gail Gal­lagher (she/her) is a singer-song­writer, pro­duc­er, com­pos­er, improv music direc­tor, and music edu­ca­tor. She is also a life­long com­e­dy music fan. Gail has worked as a music direc­tor in the Chica­go sketch and improv scene for over a decade and she’s excit­ed to bring that expe­ri­ence into being a juror. As a singer song­writer, Gail cre­ates “genre bend­ing musi­cal the­ater folk rock” that blends whim­sy and wis­dom. Her com­e­dy songs include “The Dog Song” and “Actu­al Human.” In 2020 she released her first album, Pow­er of the Unnamed Pas­sion. You can find out more about her work at www.gailgallaghermusic.com

Permanent Juror

Dr. Demento

Dr. Demen­to (he/him) is the on-air name of Bar­ret Hansen, the long­time host of The Dr. Demen­to Show, a syn­di­cat­ed radio show in the U.S. that fea­tures nov­el­ty and com­e­dy records. Hansen stud­ied music at Reed Col­lege in Port­land, Ore­gon and at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Cal­i­for­nia at Los Ange­les. He first used the Dr. Demen­to moniker in 1970, in his ear­ly days as a Los Ange­les disc jock­ey. By 1974 he was nation­al­ly syn­di­cat­ed, play­ing rare nov­el­ty songs from the past and present, from Spike Jones and Tom Lehrer to Frank Zap­pa and Weird Al Yankovic. Hansen is also an avid record col­lec­tor and expert on the his­to­ry of record­ing who has pro­duced sev­er­al com­pi­la­tions, most­ly for Rhi­no Records. He was induct­ed into the Radio Hall of Fame in 2009. (from Infoplease.com)

The Dr. Demen­to Show is radio’s week­ly two-hour fes­ti­val of “mad music and crazy com­e­dy” avail­able for stream­ing on the inter­net. It is a free-wheel­ing, unpre­dictable mix of music and com­e­dy. Along with leg­ends like Spike Jones, Tom Lehrer, Stan Fre­berg, Mon­ty Python, and Frank Zap­pa, the Doc­tor plays new fun­ny songs sent in by ama­teur and pro­fes­sion­al singers and come­di­ans. (from Dr. Demento.com)


Ian Bonds (Insane Ian)

Insane Ian (he/him) is an active mem­ber of the com­e­dy musi­cian col­lec­tive known as The Fun­ny Music Project (aka The FuMP) as both a per­former and fan of com­e­dy music.

As a com­e­dy musi­cian, II loves video games. He plays them, he reviews them, he col­lects them, he even writes com­e­dy songs about video games (among oth­er nerdy sub­jects). Just one look at Ian’s Band­camp page makes it obvi­ous that Insane Ian is a com­e­dy music jug­ger­naut that can­not be stopped. Very recent­ly, Ian hit a mile­stone in his career a long time in com­ing, as he had the #1 most request­ed song of 2015 on “The Dr. Demen­to Show”, the name-man­gling Brit-trib­ute, “Bene­dict Cum­ber­batch”, sit­ting firm­ly atop the Doctor’s year-end Fun­ny 25. With a sharp wit, sar­cas­tic smirk, and a bit of self-dep­re­ca­tion, he’ll bring his unique sound to any­one who won’t tell him to shut up…and even a few that will.

As a com­e­dy music fan, Ian is the admin of the offi­cial Dr Demen­to fan group on Face­book, as well as run­ning all the press things for the FuMP. Dou­ble I has been nom­i­nat­ed for sev­er­al Logan Awards over the years but has yet to win one, which has earned him the nick­name “Rap Game Susan Luc­ci”. Ian is now the per­ma­nent chair­per­son of the awards.